Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Soy Protein Shakes

Here are my thoughts on soy protein shakes.

The protein powder is an ability to fill the two most popular varieties of soy and whey.

The powder can be mixed with water only to drink a glass or an option of Nice, in a smoothie, with vegetables, fruit, juice and / or yogurt. The powder is also to taste many varieties such as chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and pineapple.

The protein powder is beneficial because the protein is the cornerstone of the muscles. Not only support muscle growth also allows muscles to repair damaged tissues quickly. At the top of the added protein powder has less fat, sugar, lactose and cholesterol than eat eggs, cheese or meat and is a refreshing alternative to your daily protein requirements to ensure compliance.

Here are some specific information on whey and soy protein in general, for an informed choice on your next purchase additional proteins:

Whey Protein

Cheese whey is a by-product. So once this product is suitable for vegans.

-Amino acids in proteins helps maintain your blood sugar. The control of appetite and reduces hunger periods of sudden drop in blood sugar. You may experience ups and downs of energy as your diet is rich in carbohydrates. The extra protein will help stabilize it. Ultimately, what is good for weight loss and control your diet in general.

Wei (and soy) protein can be made from concentrate (5-6% lactose), isolate (1% lactose) or a combination of both. This is a reference to how proteins are produced. Isolate the quality is better and more expensive. It is also better suited for people with lactose intolerance. But a combination of both is the best choice for your money.

Range of whey protein, from about 100-115 calories per serving of about 30g. Approximately 1-2 grams of fat and about 20-30 grams of protein.

Keep in mind that sizes vary scoop. So when you look gram compare products instead of "The amounts by Scoop." He can deceive.

Soy Protein

Soy Protein Powder almost always less than the whey protein per serving. It is also the second most allergenic foods Besides peanuts.

Soy powder is made from soybeans whose impulses are many benefits to the positive health, such as are easily digestible, which is great for pregnant women and the elderly, a workbook for minerals, reduces bad cholesterol and lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease.

-Soy is a source of complete protein. Meaning, it has all the amino acids the body needs to function properly. Usually you eat food sources to accumulate all the necessary amino acids, but soy has it all!

Soy-isolate better with 90% protein on a protein soybean moisture-free, while decreases in about 65% and also a little taste of soy.

Per serving, or powdered soy protein, about 30 grams ago 90-110 calories, 1-2 grams of fat, 15-25 grams of protein.

The protein powder is a very safe supplement that can be used daily. But like everything in life, moderation is the key to the best results to date do not drink two shakes a day with the recommended dose.

The best time to drink a protein shake is right after training to recover the calories and proteins that works to repair and build muscle gain.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Health Benefits With Soy Protein

Here are my thoughts on the health benefits with soy protein.

Soy milk, tofu, soy burgers, protein bars ... There is also a pancake syrup!

In early '70, I moved with my family in a small farming town in Illinois called St. Joseph. We were near the city of Champaign and Urbana schools. Was not a soybean field 50 feet outside my back door. This was the first time I was hearing from soybeans, and I had no idea what they were used. In seconds you go in a bed "well-kept secret" for soybeans, would know that only those who are in a processing plant.

When soybeans are burned, there is a bad smell! Despite the smell of "burning" field of soybeans, soy protein food ingredient base in many of our "everyday life" products.

Soy contains all this incredible amino acids in relation to our diet, and these amino acids must be obtained from foods when they are used by the body. I am pleased to tell you why food of animal origin to be replaced by products of soy protein.

Animal products are complete protein, however, are higher in fat, saturated fat, in particular the health benefits make it less attractive than soybeans.

Here are 7 health benefits to eating soy protein:

* E 'excellent source of high quality protein. A lot of people added to increase, soybeans for other dishes for the protein in their diet.

* Soy is low in the arteries of fat.

* E 'in iron, zinc-rich, and often calcium. This is why it is so perfect in protein bars.

* Studies show that soy can actually reduce cholesterol levels indicated.

* Other studies had the value of this protein in the reduction of bone mineral density loss appears.

* Many people also believe, in soy can help women with various symptoms of menopause management advantageous.

* Soy protein products can be substitutes for animal products because, unlike some other beans, soy offers a "complete" protein profile.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Effects of Menopause Can Be Reduces By Soy

Here are my thoughts on the effects of menopause can be reduces by soy.

The soybean was first a common staple food in China about five thousand years ago. Research on the cardiovascular benefits of soy and other positive effects on cholesterol and bone health began in the early 1900s when it was discovered that chemicals called isoflavones, found in soybeans and effectively represent proportion of soybeans to prevent the leaching of bone calcium that normally occurs in people who consume red meat.

Flushing, a common symptom of menopause that occurs as a result of losses related to the temperature drop in estrogen levels can be reduced by using a supplement of soy menopause because of estrogenic effects of soy isoflavones in soybeans.

In fact, in Japan, risk, where soy foods a staple of households, women approximately one third fewer symptoms of menopause that women in the United States and Canada. Research has shown that women who consume the daily experience of soybean meal reduced approximately 40% of their menopausal symptoms.

This study reflects the exciting possibilities for future alternatives to hormone replacement therapy traditional women comfortable with hormone synthesis and the introduction of foreign substances and synthesis in their bodies.

Soy antioxidant

Another interesting characteristic of soybean, in addition to the benefits of menopause relief, has two compounds in soy known as genistein and daidzein. Both compounds are found in anti-cancer properties due to their strong antioxidant effects on the female body, with the overall hormone balancing properties of soy, especially in hormone-dependent cancers such as l the uterus and breast cancer.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Soy Protein Supplement

Here are my thoughts about soy protein supplement.

We have heard about diet, weight, meat or whey protein best thing we can do. But surely there are other options for vegetarians are very familiar with protein supplements.

Soy is a plant, a legume in Africa to high medicinal value and nutrition. It has been used by many parts of the world for centuries to treat food as well as food.

China is known that in the past five thousand years ago used.

The beans from the necessary amino acids that are not produced in the body and it is also rich in protein. This plant is used as seed oil instead of a pulse. It is widely used throughout the world, such as vegetable oil and protein.

They are used in the meat industry and dairy products. Biodiesel is produced from this plant is used as an additive in diesel fuel or used directly as a substitute for diesel vehicles with diesel engines. The amount of protein in this work is higher than the egg or milk, but the rate of absorption is very low compared to other sources.

The soy protein belongs to the family and consists of leguminins globulin, glycinin, vicilin, betaconglycinin, gluten, cysteine, hemagglutinin, trypsin inhibitors and enzymes. Soy is isolated in three different types of flour products with soy protein, soy and soy concentrate disposal. This is used as an additive in many foods such as salads, meats, soups, powdered beverages, cheese, desserts, baby food, bread, cereals, pasta, pet food and cheese.

Additions to the factory to problems that solve it directly into the soya bean drink. Digestibility corrected amino acid score is high, and in competition with other leading sources such as eggs and milk. Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score of isolated soy protein is 1.0.

It was a very low fat, carbohydrate, cholesterol and lactose. Replace this with lactose intolerance or want meat then may be used for this product. Bodybuilders use this source of wonder in the meal because it is not only nutritious, but also very negligible amount of carbohydrate and fat content, which helps them lean and muscular.

Unlike other animal proteins, which are cholesterol-rich, this product is very low in cholesterol and very good for your health. Anyone can use these supplements. It tastes good and naturally preserved. The facility consists of an anabolic isoflavone, as a powerful antioxidant and thus reinforce the positive health benefits for a person with the product from the plant. Unlike milk protein, many people are not allergic to these additions and can be taken daily. As a protein supplement helps the body recover quickly from overtraining.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Here are my thouts on soy in moderation.

It is a debate about whether soy is healthy. Critics claim that soy affects thyroid function increases with the physical need for B12, and contains high concentrations of aluminum can be harmful to the kidneys and nervous system. Defenders of soya beans, say, on the other side that soy lowers cholesterol, has been shown that reducing the risk of cancer, strengthens bones and effective in preventing osteoporosis disadvantages. Which side is right? If you eat or avoid soy products for optimum health?

The truth is that soy is not a miracle food is a complement to a healthy diet if eaten in moderation. For vegans and vegetarians Soy is an invaluable source for high quality protein, which is in the iron, zinc and calcium-rich. When eaten two to five times a week, soy reduces the risk of heart disease, improve bone health, helps to control symptoms of diabetes, and it has been shown that against cancers of the digestive tract, such as protecting the large intestine, rectum and prostate cancer. Reviews of soy have some legitimate concerns, but. In Western countries, the soybeans are heavily with pesticides that affect the nervous system by demonstrating the failure of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter sprayed. In addition, soy products can interfere with the functioning of the thyroid gland, so that the people who are vulnerable or thyroid conditions for the development is the need to take additional precautions to when adding soy to their diet.

Ultimately, the decision to soy that it, like any other food. In moderation, soy is a nutritious and tasty part of a balanced diet. Vegans and vegetarians in particular can benefit from the inclusion of soy in their diet. But apart from soybeans may prove more harmful than useful. Be sure to check part of the practice, if you eat soy for many health benefits of these foods without achieving negative side effects.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Differences Between Soy Protein And Whey Protein

Here are my thoughts on the differences between soy protein and whey protein.

Soy protein and whey protein contains amino acids, necessary for good health, but what is the difference between soy protein and whey protein? Because your body can not produce yourself, you need from your diet or one of these protein supplements. Understanding the benefits of each is essential for good nutrition.

Vegetable proteins

Soy protein comes from plants. Can be used by people allergic to milk products or lactose intolerance. One of the properties of soy protein is that it increases the nutritional value of other foods you eat.

Includes soy protein part of your diet will help reduce your risk of heart disease. Since 1999 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allowed food manufacturers to this information on their packaging. Useful information that will help you make good choices when it comes to their diet.

You can soy-protein foods you eat. Add tofu and soy milk in the diet to obtain the benefits that soy protein can offer. Soy flour can be used for cooking. Soy is also used for a range of prepared foods such as hamburgers, hot dogs, cheese and yogurt.

Another option is to add soy protein powder to your meal. The powder can be mixed into the soup, mashed potatoes, yogurt and other foods with a creamy consistency.

Soy protein is less expensive than whey protein. You can find it at your local supermarket, which means you do not need a trip to a store to buy.

Whey Protein

Whey protein is derived from cow's milk. If you have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance, this product is not a good choice for you. The use of a protein supplement, choose soy protein instead.

Whey protein can be used by people following a low carb diet. If your goal is weight loss, including whey protein in the plan is an excellent choice. Whey protein helps you feel full for a long period of time, so you probably much less you eat. The consumption of whey protein will also help build muscle and lose body fat.

Whey protein can be taken by children and pregnant women. Several infant formulas containing whey protein, because it is a composition similar to breast milk. Consult your doctor before adding whey protein to your diet to confirm it is the right choice for you. The difference between soy protein and whey protein is important for certain people and lifestyles.

The whey protein supplements are available in specialty stores and online nutrition. These products are more expensive than buying some tofu or choose a container of soymilk, the advantage is that you the differences caused by a hectic life can fill.

Use of soy protein together and whey protein

There is also the possibility of using soy protein and whey protein together. Both products can be used together, and athletes who have adopted this strategy to the benefits of both forms of protein supplementation. If you eat whey protein is absorbed by your body relatively quickly. Soy protein has more time for your body to absorb. The result is that you the energy of the two protein sources at different times, as security of supply.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Soy Protein For Weight Loss

Here are my thoughts on soy protein for weight loss.

There are numerous health benefits, soy protein a day. It prevents heart disease, osteoporosis, kidney disease and certain cancers. If you believe that the scientific studies done in the recent past, soy protein also helps prevent the development of breast cancer.

Soybeans offer complete nutrition, because they contain all eight essential amino acids and almost no saturated fat and cholesterol. Soy provides more milk protein and is a rich source of fiber. As a result, you feel full and have fewer cravings. It has now been shown that soy products provide numerous benefits, including weight loss health aide.

Tyrosine - a substance found in soy protein, can exploit the physical and mental energy without consuming excess calories. This phenomenon helps in weight control. Soy improves metabolism, and thus helps in weight control. If you include soy in their diet, you tend to feel full and eat less. Apart from that, there are soy helps to control blood sugar.

Several clinical studies show that soy helps to minimize the incidence of breast cancer in women. Japanese women who are neglected the world's highest consumers of soy, faced with problems related to menopause. Take only 25 mg of soy protein a day may reduce LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in your body.

Another study shows that assists with only 45 grams of soy per day to minimize the incidence of hot flashes by 40 percent. Several animal studies of obesity, weight loss results without support. Soy helps reduce fat deposits, and is therefore an excellent means to control weight gain.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Estrogen In Soy

Here are my thoughts on the estrogen in soy.

You know the many benefits of soy estrogens, which tries to replace the natural estrogen in their diet to take, and is looking for the easy way to do it. Read on, my friends!

Ingestion of 50-100 mg isoflavones (plant estrogens in soy products) a day, you can reduce hot flashes and night sweats, to help stop the symptoms of PMS, and to begin a healthier skin, hair, and nails.

Therefore, here are five easy ways to their three daily servings of soy gain.

1. Soy milk
It is time to rejoice, ladies! For your daily intake of soy is a great excuse for a nice cold glass of chocolate soy milk drink - full of those great estrogen soymilk! If you do not like chocolate (Do people like that exist?), Then vanilla soy milk or soy milk can drink without sugar. Me parece que el chocolate y la vainilla son grandes por su cuenta, pero si usted va a beber la leche the soy sin azĂșcar, puede ser necesario darle un impulso de sabor. You can do this by making a smoothie.

2. Smoothies
If you are looking for an easy breakfast or snack refreshing, smoothies are a great idea. They are easy to make, healthy and delicious. Get your soy smoothie with soy milk or soy protein powder (located in the health food stores). I want my milk and soy protein powder to mix frozen strawberries (It makes a great texture!) Or frozen bananas. Heck, you even crazy and mix it with frozen strawberries and bananas! I am fresh frozen fruit yourself. Those bags of frozen vegetables from the supermarket tastes very fake, but if you really in trouble, they will do the trick.

3. Edamame
It is much easier than this. Just bought this new soya beans in the supermarket, pop into the microwave for a few seconds, sprinkle with salt, and ready to eat. If you never had, you may wonder how to eat. Do not eat the skin. The deposit is not pleasant to eat. You put the pod in her mouth and use your teeth to scrape within two or three beans.

4. Soy Nuts
He thought it might be easier than the edamame, and then - he did! Look at the roasted soy nuts in your supermarket. The instructions for the use of this? Getting them out of the bag and placed in the mouth.

5. Miso
This simple soup is delicious and Japan has at least one part of soybeans in each bowl. You can do this in house (not easy), or pick one up at a local Asian restaurant (simple).

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Gain Muscle With Silk Soy Milk

Here some info about gain muscle with soy milk.

In order not to look for more in bulk and as a Girly Man? To keep working anyway, but you do not notice the benefits? Execution in this article and find out what is missing!

Repetition and Sets

The number of representatives to increase the volume of 8 ~ 12th Approx. 4 or higher is focused on the strength and more than 12 opposition. Focus on the achievement of at least 3 rows of muscle group exercise. Begin large muscle groups prior to the creation of small muscles. You must work hard to the muscles to break for future repairs. During this repair your muscles, enlarged. It is difficult to breathe, and you want to stop smoking during the game. If you want to stop smoking is that you have a past, the crushing operation and 1 a.m. to 3 p.m. other representatives. Take part in this crucial moment, never tell yourself: "Next time". Take your time and breathe heavily. 3 You can also breath, because that is what I personally, if I push myself. If you have 12-15 representatives, this is a sign that you need, with a weight. Then repeat the process.

The exercise is not rocket science, and chances are you probably know that the last paragraph. Let us on the basis and in the legs.

Base and the legs

You want to May: Do you want to cut the arms, chest deep and broad, triangular, lat stones on the shoulder and a group of six to wash ABS. This image is what most people consider "off". But unfortunately picture you want to work in the upper and sometimes abstract. But if you are not on time, it is likely that you are not its development and the legs.

I think that time and sit-ups as a basis. The fiscal year is basic and squats and the dead lifts. The core is the foundation for the muscles of the body - the heart stronger, the other, because all muscles are connected to muscles. Not squats and dead lifts with or without their legs. And because you want to see the upper part wide, it is good to isolate the upper body exercises. But, because the legs of the presentation is not quite his priority, with exercises from squats and lifts for the death to do so.

His sound and legs and the upper limit of the large can. It is therefore important to work on his heart and in the legs - in practice, you can use the whole body to grow more, earn more and thus the upper part of the muscles.

Now we work to the muscles, talk about diet.

More food

Proper nutrition is the foundation for good health. But not too much on the diet - if I comment briefly on some results:

* 1 You eat too many simple carbohydrates, such as corn syrup, rich in fruit sugar. Too much insulin to increase and the reduction of insulin, in short, it promotes the storage of fat.
* 2 Ideally you should eat lean proteins with complex carbohydrates every 3 hours, except during sleep. Your muscles are in a constant state of creation or destruction. Therefore, it is important to a number of proteins, the exhaustion after about 3 hours.
* 3 Avoid saturated fat / trans fatty acids, but get their supply of fat. Personally, I like natural peanut butter silk soy milk, protein and essential fatty acids.
* 4 Avoid ice, ranging from simple carbohydrates and saturated fatty acids. It is a recipe for fat.
* 5 You need the intake of calories, preferably from about 20%. Eat smaller but more frequent meals, a total of 20% more than what you normally.
* 6 The proportion of macro nutrients (calories) should be approximately 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein, 20% fat. But the global organization is unique and can be individually adapted to your needs.

To summarize this approach as a decision basis for the muscles, this is for the volume, the use of components for most exercises and Legs (Squats and dead lift), and your protein every 3 hours.

Soy Milk Diet

Here are some facts about the soy milk diet.

I have a confession to you, my faithful readers. I'm lactose intolerant. I know, I know, there is no shame in the idea. What shame and gastro-intestinal discomfort. I tried to give their friends and relatives. "Of course I'd like a double slice of cheese pizza, I would say that the drink or swallow the chocolate milk he had done with love for me for me, who will lead to the unpleasant sensation of duration of the night.

I tried the pills, but they are more expensive and less. As a teenager, refuses to wear condoms at a time for fear of appearing to be "simple" I do not have pills with me because I do not know where the devil would have his great strength lactose white in my throat, not to leave this metaphor.

I want to learn how to deal with lactose during nearly a year in my twenties. I can cope with the occasion piece of pizza or ice cream cone, but the milk was directly prohibited, if society is to be for the next five hours, or at risk from a building in reliability sanitation services. Right now, you're probably more upset with my participation. Imagine how friends, family and colleagues, until I finally accepted that he could not milk in my cereal in the morning.

When I discovered the Silk soy milk. I know, technically, no soy milk, not because small udder juice soy, but that does not look like something in your Cheerios, now is not it? Side does not know how the milk tastes much better. I fast because addicts light vanilla soy cinnamon on my cereal. It's like candy for breakfast, but somehow much healthier than milk. Even Emily bought starch grain granola taste. Soymilk is also unaware of the origin of the cow's milk, but is very dirty, if you brain to think a minute. (The absence of treatment, the ice is too rich to focus on flyers PETA).

BzzAgent for me, select the campaign aside, and I was happy because he was already a great defender of this product. Of course, I am limited to light as a Vanilla Soy drown my choice of cereals, but I was ready to experiment. I used my two coupons for free half gallon, one side dish (because you can not cook with Alfredo sauce flavored with vanilla, milk, trust me) and a light chocolate Silk.

I tried a cup when he was home. It is creamy, but a little thin, like skim milk in chocolate syrup. Melanie took the cup, which Swisher in his mouth and pronounced quite tasty dessert and a drink, but do not seem particularly interested. I did this for a few days until I have a whim and came to light silk chocolate.


"Yes?" said the living room. I had the last week of their hard life in my apartment and relax.

"Did you drink near the left side of the chocolate over the past three hours?"

"It is very nice and has no pleasure in your apartment." This is not true. I shop for chocolate and sweet granola bars, side, but it seems desirable.

I am a little glass for the rest. "I think the light of the work of chocolate, a drink and I must take this into action?"

She nodded to another force to convert to the religion of silk.

Later in bed, in jest that the Light chocolate, the perfect post-coital snack - it is soft and light, but the performance - but I suppose it is not the kind of campaign that would Central America.

Indeed, the plain light of silk purchased was good with cereals, at least as good as skimmed milk, but a surprisingly good Alfredo sauce. Well, the price was "to add your own milk" kind of a package of Alfredo sauce, but the light of the challenge of my bad cooking.

Although I am quite angry at Carnivorous Vegans, who largely support the environment. Well aware that one of its main markets are the environment by leading vegetarian hybrids. We call them "hippies" in the interest of brevity. The silk is undoubtedly the best brand of soy milk that I had (8 Continent WestSoy leave) and they need their customers are satisfied with their purchases. As such, compensation of 100% of its energy.

My only complaint with the silk, is the lack of diversity. Given how delicious soy milk, I can only think what an incredible view of the chip cone Mint Cream Silk.

Silk Soy Milk

Here some information about Silk Soy Milk.

Although the demand for organic foods continues to explode, the organic farmers in the United States can not take advantage. The Chinese are always below the market, especially vegetables and agricultural commodities such as soybeans, with a number of multinational companies in the U.S. power companies, which the train of the environment.

As a multinational Dean Foods acquires Silk soy milk, the farmers and farmers in the Midwest of the cooperative said he was the lowest cost organic soy Chinese - a price that simply can not. Organic farming is labor intensive, and the edge of China comes mainly from the abundance of cheap labor.

Purchase Chinese silk soy years to build a commanding market share of soy milk before substantially its support for organic agriculture in total.

Seda number of certified organic products are more and some are with hexane, a neuro-toxin. While the green "USDA Organic" seal went, hexane treatment soymilk can "natural" and organic ingredients, the label "with organic ingredients" still being used.

Consumers buy a variety of reasons, including the impact on the environment, easier, cleaner and safer, the working conditions of workers in agriculture and health food. Unfortunately, the import of fuel for the marketing of organic food is questionable, all these properties, it is less likely.
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